XPath is designed to allow the navigation of XML documents,with the purpose of selecting individual elements, attributes, or some other part of an XML document for specific processing. What is XML? The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the context in which the XML Path Language, XPath, exists. XML provides a standard syntax for the markup of data and documents. XML documents contain one or more elements. If an element contains content,whether other elements or text, then it must have a start tag and an end tag. The text contained between the start tag and the end tag is the element’s content. <Element> //Start tag Element content goes here.//Element Content </Element>//End Tag An element may have one or more attributes, which will provide additional information about the element type or its content. Below is the sample XML: <?xml version='1.0'?> <Catalog> <Book> <Title>XML Tutorial</Title> <Author>Selenium Easy</A...