1. When I start my firefox driver, I like to have the home page is loaded as my project URL . How do I do that without using driver.get method? Ans: driver.navigate().to() method 2. Name the selenese commands for the following actions: Enter value in text field Select a radio button Check if the object is loaded Verify a content in a page Verify the title of a page. 3. What do you know about Selenium? How long you are working with Selenium and what version? Ans: Selenium is an open source functional testing tool that automates browsers; It is a tool and an API for testing browser-based applications that rely on HTML and JavaScript. I have been working on selenium webdriver for more than 1 year 4. What are the technical challenges that you faced with selenium? Ans: There are quite a few technical challenges we faced in the initial stages of implementation; as SBIGI's core insurance application (eBao a Chinese product) has a restriction - it opens only in Inte...