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What are Challenges faced using selenium Automation Testing

What are Challenges faced using selenium Automation Testing ?

Challenges faced using selenium Automation Testing
·        Dealing with pop-up windows
·        Testing dynamic text or content
·        How to go about testing Flash
·        Capturing screen shots, either to file or in some form of report
·        Iteration of the test case, running it repeatedly with some minor change
·        Data Driven Testing, using suites of pre-cooked data or generating it on the fly
·        Generating useful test status reports
·        Setting up Remote Control
·        Setting up Grid
·        handling Alerts Popups
·        Switching between windows
·        Working with frames.
·        Field validation
·        How to identify dynamic objects.
·        Xpath and CSS locators for identifying elements.
·        File Upload/Download Using : Java-AutoIT-Selenium
·        Handling Multiple Popup Windows.
·        Switching with multiple Windows
Example :
·        Need to Describes how did faced that problem and how did you overcome that problem with example as below.

  •      In Selenium, you identify a UI element with a locator.  There are many kinds of locators, e.g.IDs, names, and XPaths.  If you have never used XPath, you should expect to invest some time familiarizing yourself with it.  On Firefox, Firebug and Firepath are invaluable for inspecting the DOM and figuring out locators.
  •           On common problem with UI automation is dealing with timing issues, e.g. you press a button and it takes an indeterminate amount of time for the web page to refresh.  You can try hard-coding delays into your test or you can tell Selenium to wait for a element in the page to appear.  I recommend the latter.   I don't remember what the API is for that, but I imagine someone here can speak up about that.  
  •           Another recurring problem I've had, and which shows up repeatedly on the Selenium forums, has to do with tabbing between fields.  Selenium has APIs for filling in a text field and clicking a button, but it doesn't have an explicit "hit the Tab button while you're in this text field" API. The Selenium forums suggest various workarounds.  I think the appropriate workaround depends on the situation.  In my application, something special happens when the focus leaves a password field.  Under the covers, the app detects the focus leaving the field via a blur event.  I haven't figured out what action to tell Selenium to perform to cause a blur event to happen, but there is a "fireEvent" method on the Selenium interface that explicitly causes an event to fire.  

Few More :

  •  If something is changed without the knowledge of the Automation Tester like headings of the page or title of the page, the script will Fail.
  •   Even if the content team changed the text on the webpage which you might have captured it in your script for some reason the regression suite will fail. 

  •  If for any reason the servers are down and you running your test suit overnight, the test might Fail. If you don't have a dev or test environment, the automation script might cause loads on the Live server( In case you hitting one server ) which makes the server to collapse and this will effect the business. 

 If the requirements are constantly changing and the site is very dynamic, its very hard to automate.


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